Write a brief 4-5 page (1,000-1,250 word) essay revising and expanding upon the response already written.

Your essay should be at least five paragraphs long, but may be longer. Your essay must have a thesis statement and must make a clear and specific argument in response to the question. Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence and provide some kind of evidence (contextual information, logical development of your ideas, quotes, or details from the text) that supports and develops your topic statement.

Recommended Outline:

Introduction (1 paragraph)
Introduce the subject of your essay and the reason you are writing. In other words, be sure to explain to your reader what the essay is about and why the question you are examining matters. Note: you should not include the actual question anywhere in your essay, but you should phrase it in your own words so that the reader has some sort of context for the conversation you are involved in.

Be sure to end your introduction with your thesis statement or main argument. Your thesis should tell your reader what your argument or claim is in one sentence.

Body (3-5 Paragraphs)

The body of your essay should more or less range from 3 to 5 paragraphs in length. Each paragraph must begin with a topic statement that is followed by relevant examples and quotes from the poetry that support and prove the topic statement. To figure out what your topic statements should be, go back to your thesis and ask yourself, what ideas do I need to explore or explain in order to prove my thesis statement? If you are writing about a particular poem, be sure that you explain both what it means, as well as how it achieves its meaning


Wrap up your essay by summarizing your arguments, re-capping how you’ve proven your thesis and why your argument matters.

This is the question I had to answer. Both “A New Song” and “Open Letter to the South” or written by Langston Hughes:

2. One of the central themes of A New Song is the relationship between race and class and the importance of the mutual struggle of black and white workers together. Look at the two poems: A New Song and Open Letter to the South. In what ways do these two poems address the relationship between race and class? Be sure to use specific examples from the texts as support.  Response should directly respond to the question, and offer an answer in the form of an argument that is supported with details and facts form the text or outside sources.

****I will attach the response that I have already written. I just need to improve and expand the paper to an 1100 word complete essay with conclusion and everything.****

Select a criminal justice related topic and use the University of North Florida Library to find one qualitative article and one quantitative article on this topic. Ensure that these are peer-reviewed journal articles. Introduce your topic and state why it is important.  Provide APA reference information for each of the two articles (one qualitative, one quantitative). In your own words, provide a summary of the methodology, findings, and limitations of each of the two articles.  Each summary of methodology should include information such as the sample size, sampling method, description of the subjects included in the sample, where the study took place, if the study is cross-sectional or longitudinal, and how the data were collected. Generally speaking, describe the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research.  Next, describe the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research. Finally, if you were going to conduct your own research study on this topic, which methodological approach (qualitative or quantitative) would you choose?  Justify your response.  Your justification should take into account information such as time, resources, the population you are trying to describe, validity, generalizability, and how your study would contribute to the existing literature on this topic.

For your discussion posting, you should prepare a PSA (public service announcement)-style report about the condition, symptoms, and diagnostic strategy (and other elements listed below) for the assignment.  Think of this as how to explain the condition (and all of the required details listed below) in a way that will help you and your classmates to remember the condition.  You can include characters, mnemonic, rhymes, catchy phrases, etc. You may need to research a little more about your condition using other resources (remember to avoid sites such as Wikipedia; also be sure to cite your resource using APA guidelines).  This activity is designed to help you to explore the factors that help differentiate conditions in a way that creates a memorable story or mental picture to aid in understanding.  You should discuss each of these in your story:

Etiology (cause)
Laboratory findings/Diagnostic criteria
Possible complications

Diversity Article. Diversity Article. Research articles that shows an example of the importance of cultural diversity in the global workplace. You may wish to search for articles from HR sites such as

Format your paper consistent with the format and style guidelines for APA or MLA. Paper should be a minimum of 500 words or 2 pages, double-spaced. Use the questions as Level 1 Headings to organize your paper.

You are requested to provide a discussion about the role of Laser in operative dentistry.

The assignment should cover the following points:

– What is Laser?

– What are the different types of Laser?

– Interaction of Laser with the tissues

– Types of Laser used in Operative Dentistry.

– Applications of Laser in Operative Dentistry

– The content should be well organized and written properly.

– References should be written at the end of the assignment in Vancouver style.

– The word limit is 1000-1500

– References should be written at the end of the assignment in Vancouver style.

– Submissions should be in PDF format only.

– plagiarism should not exceed 25%

– Include labeled diagrams, figures and tables whenever possible


Find a modern film (anything from 2000 to present) that mimics the hallmarks of those made from roughly 1967 – 1975, during what is known as the New Hollywood Era.

Demonstrate your knowledge of the influence of the quintessential New Hollywood filmmakers (approximately 1967 1975) by comparing the hallmark styles and techniques of those pictures (use “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” or “The Graduate”) with a relatively modern (anything from 2000 to present) film.

Some of the things to look for would be:

Theme of rebellion
A hero fighting the system and losing
Story lines emphasizing the loss of innocence
Anti-Heroes that the audience is rooting for
The Establishment as the enemy
Downer endings
Popular music soundtracks
Often stylish, fast-cutting, consciously showy filmmaking
REMEMBER, you must compare your modern film of choice with EITHER “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” or “The Graduate.”

Your analysis should be at least 2 pages, double-spaced.

By the end of the New Deal era, had the executive become more powerful than the judiciary, or vice versa? Did they remain the same? Why?

Your thesis statement is the answer to this question. Do not cite anything other than the book and the sources linked below. While you may cite any part of the book if you so choose, most of the information for this question comes from chapter 23. Do not write in the first person. This paper must have a thesis statement, footnotes, and a bibliography in this case, of the sources below. This writing assignment will be a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of four (4) pages, where the student will analyze evidence from the textbook and primary sources. See the rubric for how the paper will be graded, but bear in mind the final grade is determined by the instructor.

When forming your answer, think about the shift in the Court’s position throughout these three cases, and FDR’s position on what the Court should or should not do. What is happening to the Court’s view of the Constitution? How does FDR justify his actions? How does each branch conceive of the other’s role in government?

Read from pages 53 to 88 of the opinion (Links to an external site.) from United States v. Butler
Read from pages 25 to 61 of the opinion (Links to an external site.) from A. L. A. Schechter Poultry Corp. et al. v. United States
Read from pages 08 to 22 of the opinion (Links to an external site.) from West Coast Hotel Co. v. Parrish
Read President Roosevelt’s March 09, 1937 fireside chat (Links to an external site.).

15 pages of content.  Ensure it is written in APA format 1 margins all around and 12 Times New Roman font.  Credit must be given to your sources throughout the paper and listed on the reference page.  If it is not your original thought cite, it

Here are the topics for Law Enforcement:
-Intro to Law Enforcement
-Community Oriented Policing
-Criminal Investigations

*evaluate the subject matter of the paper topic and determine how you can add a research component. 

The written case assignment is to be prepared on an individual basis. It is expected that the content of your written case will reflect your thoughts and analysis rather than the work of others.

Suggestions regarding the preparation of written case assignments are discussed in A Guide to Case Analysis posted in the Student Center at  The criteria for grading written case presentations include:

1.Identification of key problems/strategic issues.
2.Use of appropriate analytical tools techniques, including the use of charts and tables where appropriate. You are expected to demonstrate that you can use the tools and techniques of strategic analysis presented in the chapters. Both breadth and depth of analysis will be evaluated.
3.Presenting realistic, workable, well-supported recommendations for action.
4.Use of good communication skillsfailure to use good grammar, spelling, and other written communication skills will result in a full one-letter grade reduction.
5.Evidence of adequate preparation, pride of workmanship, and display of professional attitude and approach.

I want to elaborate on the financial analysis I am expecting in your papers. This must get done.

1) Identify all sources of revenue example Iidentify all revenue segments ( Revenue and profit are not the same)

2) Identify which segment has the greatest growth vs prior year and prior 5 years

3) Identify why is the segment growing or not growing

4) Identify the most profitable segment vs prior year and 5 years prior

5) Identify major expense compare to prior year ( Are these expense growth reasonable? Why?

6)  Vertical Analysis for the last three years on the Income Statement – Anything noticeable?

7 How does any latest balance sheet  change impact Company’s Strategy?

8 How is the company financed? Any major changes in Balance sheet if so where? How does this impact the company’s strategy?

9 Is the stock price rising?

10 Financial ratios that must accompany you paper- 5 years of data- Please observe the trends from these ratios

1) Current Ratio-

2) Quick Ratio

3) Average Collection period

4) Debt Ratio

5) Gross Profit margin

6) Net Profit Margin

7)Return on Assets

8 Return in Equity